Historical information

In January 1923, 5 years after the end of WWI, the two French cruisers Jules Michelet and Victor Hugo went on a tour in South East Asia, Australia and New Zealand consolidating the friendship between the countries.
The cruisers arrived in January 1923 and Melbournians were invited to visit the ships. Amongst them the ladies from the Guild and especially Dora Walker.

In the "Jottings from Our Log"number 69 dated from January 1923 we can read:
Our French Visitors

The French cruisers, “Jules Michelet” and “Victor Hugo”, each with a complement of 26 officers and 747 men, paid a visit to this port towards the end of the year. Many of the sailors made good use of our institute, and were supplied with French magazines and papers, and were delighted to find that quite a number of ladies could speak French fluently.
Over one hundred men were present at the Institute on one of our special nights during Christmas week, when each French visitor was supplied with refreshments and a cigar. Through the great kindness of some of our ladies, each man aboard the two cruisers was supplied with a packet of cigarettes. These were greatly appreciated by the men, and a warm letter of thanks was received from each of the captains."


Reflects the close links and mutual friendships developed between French and Australian community developed between LHLG members from 1906 onward especially during WW1 and support of the French Red Cross.

Physical description

Black and white photograph
