Historical information

Technical manuals and User Handbooks were essential equipment for Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME) tradesmen permanently attached to Armoured Corps regiments as Light Aid Detachments (LAD) or AFV Workshops and were responsible for repairs and maintenance of a nature beyond the expertise of AFV crewmen and just short of major rebuilds undertaken by Base Workshop detachments.


Part of a collection of workshop manuals and user handbooks relating to equipment on issue to 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles during the latter half of the twentieth century.

Physical description

Buff and brown coloured soft covered manual, adhesive fabric spine bound manual being Assembly Operation GMC 6x6 Model CCKW - 353, produced by General Motors Truck and Coach 24th October 1941

Inscriptions & markings

On title page " M.F. Oates " also ink stamp ' 8/13 VMR Regimental Collection "