Historical information

Donation is speculative based on the inclusion of Jocelyn and her sister Lynette Cerini in the list of performers.

Physical description

Beige program printed in black which details the acts of a concert given by the students of Miss Patience Cornell on 19 November 1930 in the Emulation Hall in Canterbury. The concert was a mix of piano solos, recitations and playlets and one-act plays. All dialogues and plays were the original work of Miss Patience Cornell.

Inscriptions & markings

On the rear in lead pencil are various notes which do not appear to be related to the program:
"Wr2861"; "C.H.H"; "Rev Chalmers" / "8 Charles St Burwood / E.13"; "19 Lithgow St / Burwood"; 'Enchanted Glen 8-15"; "Mantel 4'-6 x 6" with a diagram.