Historical information

Mr Walter Sessford Cornhill was born in c1886 in Orsett, Essex; died 2 September 1940 and buried in Box Hill Cemetery (B-069-0028). He was a carpenter. He married Rhoda Fraser (1882-1947). A son John Edmund was a plumber. Daughter Lillian married Charles Frederick Barrow.
Walter Cornhill moved from 3 Essex Road to 316 Canterbury Road some tome after 1937. The house passed to Charles Frederick Barrow and wife Lillian and subsequently to Leonard Clement Gangell and his wife Pamela Gangell, nee Barrow.

Physical description

A black and white photograph of an early modern style house built on a corner block. It is built of brick. The upper portion of the house is rendered with occasional brickwork patterning. A low brick fence borders both street frontages.