Historical information
The property in the foreground is 'Edgeware' at 171 Union Road, a house built by the Zeplin family. It became the home / residence of Dr Percy Liddle and later Dr James Landells Blakie. By the time this photo was taken Dr Blakie had moved across the road to 174 Union Road.
In the background behind the 2 houses in the foreground is the Surrey Hills Stationmaster's house, sitting behind a picket fence. The Alan Holt register gives a build date of c1915 for this house, which fits stylistically. The first stationmaster was probably Michael Ginnane, who stayed in the area after he retired, moving to 1 Russell Street. This property was listed as 8 Bedford Avenue, the only house on the south side of the road. It was demolished in c1972 to make way for widening of the rail track with a third line.
The photographer Norman Carter took many photos of Surrey Hills and Mont Albert from the 1920s, in particular of events and activities associated with the Church of England.
Physical description
Black and white photo taken from the steeple of Holy Trinity Church looking across housing towards the railway line and Albany / Windsor Crescents and on towards Canterbury Road. Surrey Hills Primary School and St Stephens Presbyterian Church feature prominently on the horizon. The stationmaster's cottage is centre left adjacent to a large conifer-like tree, with a white fence delineating the railway yards.
Inscriptions & markings
On back of original: "6-11-21" and in a different hand in biro: "from tower of Holy Trinity Church"