Certificate - Photograph, colour, Melbourne District Nursing Society certificate of employment, 08.07.1913

Historical information

This Certificate was presented to Trained nurse, known as 'Nurse' in those days, Nettie Osborne on completion of six months employment with Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS). This is the only example of a MDNS Nurses certificate in the RDNS collection. In 1913 the MDNS Nurses had their board and residence, uniforms, bicycles and laundry expenses provided. Newly employed Nurses were paid £50 a year for her first six months. At the end of a year her salary was increased by £5, and later she earned £60 a year. .


Following the founding of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) in February 1885 to care for the sick poor in Melbourne, subsequent meetings were held to form a Committee and to draw up a Code of Rules of the Society. It was decided that only nurses who had attended a Hospital Nurses Training School and were fully qualified would be employed by the Society. After interviewing several candidates, it was on the first of May 1885 when the first Trained nurse, known as 'Nurse' in those days, Mrs. Ferguson, was employed by MDNS with a salary of £100 per annum. She was employed for three months initially, but this was soon extended, "on the understanding she will make arrangements to live in the more immediate vicinity of her district". A Doctor agreed to assist the Nurse with advice at any time. In rotation, a member of the Superintendence Sub-Committee supervised the Nurse’s visits and could assist to alleviate some poor social conditions they found. A second Nurse, Mrs. Joanna Cannon was employed by MDNS six months later, with a trial period of six months which was extended. They were the stalwarts of the Society in the early years, Nurse Cannon remaining with the Society for four years and Nurse Ferguson for five years, though both had a short break due to illness through the heaviness of the work. Nurses salaries were reduced to account for the cost of uniforms, and then when establishments were rented by the Society and the Nurses could now live in the Nurses Home.
The Nurses worked in the now CBD, ie from Spencer Street to Spring Street and from Victoria Parade to Flinders Street. From its inception the Society was at the forefront of health care. They liaised with Doctors and provided high quality trained nursing care; educated their patients in the curing and prevention of disease; teaching the importance of cleanliness, fresh air and good nutrition, both by verbal instruction and demonstration, even supplying soup and milk when needed. At that time they walked the streets and lane ways amid the slums of inner Melbourne carrying their nursing bag containing lotion, ointments, powders, liniment, bandages, dressings, a case of spirits, and the Nurse's own clean apron, soap and small towel. They supplied equipment on loan, such as earthenware hot water bottles, splints, urinals, bed pans, bed cradles, feeding mugs, and air-cushions as well as providing blankets and clean bed linen, and nightdresses as necessary.
They provided nursing care to a range of people, often in destitute situations, some lying on rags on the floor as they had no bed, others with just a bed and maybe a thin blanket, a chair and nothing else. Their ages ranged from babes, children, adults to the elderly. The Nurses gave medications as ordered, dressed wounds e.g. to the injured, and surgical cases, and to those with leg ulcers; attended to patients with ‘surgical ailments’ such as ‘hip disease’; gave care to those with acute illnesses such as bronchitis, pleurisy, pneumonia, measles, and scarlet fever, as well as those with chronic illnesses such as consumption (tuberculosis), heart disease, arthritis, cancer, debility, neuritis and paralysis. As the work increased a third Nurse was employed but this was arduous work, particularly in the heat of summer and many nurses only remained with the Society for several months. A Trained Midwife was employed in August 1893. The work was arduous, particularly in the heat of summer.
Permission to use bicycles was given to the Nurses in 1898 and the Society decided to purchase their own in 1903. A business man offered ‘new free wheel’ bicycles at £13 each which included maintenance for one year. Bells and wooden frames were added, at a cost of £5 per frame, so the Nurses could carry extra equipment. Nurses’ bags were strapped to the handlebars. Soup was made for those in need 2-3 times a week and if patients could not arrange to have it collected the soup was delivered by the Nurses on their bicycles. The use of bicycles caused a change in uniform, with white pith helmets, and veils covering them and tied under their chin, now being used; straw hats were worn in summer. Over the years the Nurses complained that their veils became wet in the rain and asked for a change of uniform but this did not occur until 1921. Bicycles continued to be used in inner areas until 1945. Public transport was also used over the years, in conjunction with a Motor Auxiliary from 1929 to 1971. MDNS began with its own small fleet of vehicles in the early 1950s which gradually expanded into a full fleet.

Physical description

The coloured Certificate is made of white paper attached to a buff card forming a boarder. It is in gold print on the white background which has a thin gold border. In large bold script are the words "Melbourne District Nursing Society" In between the words "District" and "Nursing" is a red Maltese cross which extends above and below the writing. Underneath this, in smaller capital letters, are the words "For Nursing Sick Poor In Their Own Homes"/. Below this in bold script are the words "This is to Certify that"/. Under this, written in black handwriting, is "Nurse Nettie Osborne"/; below this in script is "has acted in the capacity of District Nurse", then in black handwriting the words "Six Months"/. The next two lines read "having fulfilled her Duties to the satisfaction of her Committee, /"and appreciation of her Patients". The Certificate is signed in black by Mary Leeper, Vice President; Kate Hood; Hon. Treasurer; C.M. Tatham Hon. Secretary, and has Date; 8th July 1913 in black handwriting. On paper attached with tape to the back of the Certificate, is a copy of a photograph of two unidentified people. [Possibly Nettie and her husband]. Some small marks, and in one area a small area of cracking is seen on the white background of the certificate.

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