Historical information
John Butler Maling, retired farmer, built his home on the corner of his property which extended from Weybridge Street to Whitehorse Road and from James to Ross Street. From 1853 he lived in a simple farmhouse located near the present Ross Street until he had 'Ancyra' built in c.1889 from bricks made from clay dug from a quarry on the property. This was located in the now-park in James Street.
John Butler Maling Snr was born in Shepreth, Cambridgeshire. He married Kate Conlan in 1882 and they had 3 children - Silas, Alick and Zillah. He died in 1912 and is buried in Box Hill Cemetery.
Often referred to as John Butler Maling Senior as he had a nephew by the same name. He also lived on a similar sized property known as 'The Willows', located to the west. He became the first Mayor of Camberwell.
From c1936 til c1960 the property was used as a rest home (Ancyra Rest Home) and then a nursery (Pied Piper Nursery).
This is one of relatively few surviving houses that provides links to pre0urban Surrey Hills. It is also built from locally quarried material.
Physical description
A black and white photograph of a house viewed through the front garden.