Photograph, John Gray

Historical information

John Gray was "actively associated with all movements for the benefit of neighbours and fellow citizens". [Quote from the official tribute on his death in 1909.] He was very active in the Surrey Hills Progress Association in the early 1900's. The rotunda built in the Surrey Gardens by the Progress Association in 1912 was dedicated to him.
John Gray was born in 1861 in Eldorado. He died on 7 December 1909 in Surrey Hills and is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (M0472). He married Emma Beckett in 1888 at 'Guildford Villa' in Essex Road, the Beckett home. They are listed in both the 1903 and 1906 electoral rolls in Arundel Crescent; his occupation is given as bootmaker. The Alan Holt property register identifies this as 24 Arundel Crescent, known as 'Tumberumba'.
John and Emma had a large family:
(Gunner) John Robert Gray (1888, Surrey Hills - 21 June 1917, France)
Benjamin Walter Gray (1890, Surrey Hills - 1949, Heidelberg)
Herbert Harry Gray (1892, Surrey Hills - 1959, Queensland)
William Beckett Gray (1897, Surrey Hills - 1899, Surrey Hills)
Norman Douglas Gray (1901, Surrey Hills - 1947, Sydney)
Evelyn Lizzie Gray (1906, Surrey Hills - 1983)
Evelyn married Reginald Roberts and was the donor of this photo.

Physical description

Black and white portrait photo of John Gray shows a well-dressed, bearded gentleman with a receeding hairline.

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