Historical information

Owned by William Albert HARRISON (Service Number VX41478; above Link ["WW2 Record"] indicates that Rank on Discharge was Cpl, but other AIF documents, from National Archives Australia [including Proceedings of Discharge - see pdf Media File above], indicate that he was Sergeant, which is consistent with the rank on this jacket). Name not written on item but known to be part of set which includes slouch hat, which does contain the name, and other related items which include Service Number, verifying identity. See further service details in "Links" above.


Soldier's name known. Items donated (date unknown) by brother-in-law who was living in Montmorency and was a committee member of MERSL when item donated.

Physical description

Blue coloured rectangle box with orange, red & white labels on one side and ends of box

Inscriptions & markings

Side label: Sterilized neat Edge RED CHAIN BANDAGE 4 Inches 6 Yards Johnson & Johnson Pty Ltd Sydney
End labels: Red Chain Bandage 4 Inches 6 Yards
