Book, World Publishing Co, Webster Dictionary, 1958

Historical information

This dictionary is a large tome containing a wealth of information current at the time of publication (1958). The Webster’s Dictionary is an American publication but it was known world-wide and would have been in many households in Australia in the mid 20th century. No information is available on A. M. Archibald (the signature in the front of the book)


This book has no known local provenance but is retained as an example of an antiquarian item, a 60 year-old book.

Physical description

This is a large tome of 2129 pages, plus supplements of 160 pages. It has a faded dark green linen cover. The spine and the cover edges are damaged. The wording on the spine and cover are almost indecipherable. Inside the covers are images of a tree with branches representing Indo-European languages. The pages have alphabetical thumb tabs and these are double-sided with gold lettering. The pages contain black and white illustrations and coloured plates. The supplementary material includes coloured world maps, dictionaries of biography, geography and mythology and information on foreign words and phrases, abbreviations, Scripture and the history of Canada.

Inscriptions & markings

A.M. Archibald
Webster’s Dictionary

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