Book - Document, WWII Diary Thomas H Fagan

Historical information

Thomas H Fagan of Walbundrie NSW served in 105 General Transport Company during WWII. Following service in Syria and Egypt the unit sailed for home but was diverted to Java, Dutch East Indies where they became part of Blackforce. The Japanese following up their success in Singapore overran Jave and Blackforce went into captivity. Fagan spent a short time at Changi then nearly three years on the Burma Railway. He lost a leg to tropical ulcers but survived the war return to Australia at the end of hostilities.


A document worthy of preservation and public access.

Physical description

World War diary typed by the diarist from notes kept at great risk throughout his imprisonment by the Japanese 1942-1945. Transcribed 2018 by Albury historian Jan Hunter and published by Albury & District Historical Society as Booklet No 31 in limited hard copy for district Libraries and Schools.

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