Historical information
Age (Melbourne, Vic. : 1854 - 1954), Monday 6 August 1928, page 9
The people of Ringwood have erected a beautiful stone clock tower at a cost of £1797, as a memorial to those who served in the war. The unveiling ceremony was performed by the mayor of Ringwood (Cr. W. Mackinlay) on Saturday.
“Bleak conditions with showers intervening prevailed at Ringwood on Saturday afternoon, when the unveiling ceremony of the soldiers' memorial clock tower, performed by the mayor (Cr. W. Mackinlay) took place in the presence of a Iarge and representative gathering. The ceremony was solely a civic one. A majority of members of the local branch of the R.S.S.I.L.A. had wished that Sir John Monash be invited to take a prominent part in the proceedings, but the trustees elected otherwise.
The Salvation Army band from Box Hill rendered suitable music, while Sergeant E. P. Taylor (37th Battalion, A.I.F) sounded the Reveille and The Last Post impressively. Among those present were Mr. Edgar, M.L.C., the vicar of Ringwood (Rev. E. E. Robinson), Rev. G. McLaren (Methodist), the memorial trustees (Cr. J. B. McAlpin, Messrs, J. W. Barrett, A. H. Locke, J. A. Williams and A. G. Ashley). The last two mentioned are president and honorary secretary respectively of the local branch of the R.S.A. Soldier delegates from Camberwell and Mitcham were also present. At the outset the mayor said a few words would not be amiss concerning why the memorial had been so long delayed in being erected.
In September, 1919, a public committee was formed, with Mr. A. V. Greenwood as chairman, to consider the erection of a suitable memorial to the soldiers. Among the more important suggestions had been the building of a hall and clubrooms on land generously offered by Mr. R. W. Dawes. This project had been abandoned, also the proposed erection of a huge memorial building, at a cost of £5000, on the site of the present town hall. As two years had passed without anything of a definite nature eventuating it was decided to elect five trustees, comprising three citizens and the president and secretary of the Returned Soldiers' Association with full power to act. In all propositions the trustees had been faced with financial difficulties, but about the time of the completion of the plans of the memorial tower Ringwood became a borough, and the new council was appealed to, and provided £500 to make the erection of the memorial possible.
The architect, (Mr. H. Norris) had refused to take anything beyond out-of-pocket expenses (£16), while the engineer (Mr. Lucas) had saved a goodly sum by supervising the work. The total funds at the disposal of the trustees, including the council's donation, was, in round figures £1807. The tower complete would cost £1690; honor roll, £77, and fees paid for various designs had amounted to £30. The total expenditure was £1797, leaving a credit balance of £10. Before the unveiling the mayor, in again addressing the citizens, said he deemed it a privilege to perform such a task in connection with so splendid a memorial. The citizens had erected it as an expression of heartfelt gratitude in memory, first of all, of those heroes who gave not only their services, but their lives, when the call came in the common cause of right and liberty, upon which the British Empire was built.
This memorial was also the tribute of the citizens in a degree of appreciation to those men who so un-selfishly and ungrudgingly volunteered their services in the Great War. The memorial, while commemorating the glorious deeds of Australian manhood, was not intended, in any sense, as a glorification of war. The memorial would tend to bring to one's mind the blessing of peace in contrast to the curse of hostilities. They were gathered there that afternoon to do honor to all those who volunteered for service to the Great War, but they wished to assure the friends and relatives of those who paid the supreme sacrifice of their sincere sympathy and trust. If ever in the future this fair southern land of ours was threatened by an invader he felt sure that Australian manhood would not hesitate to rally to the call to duty and defend the freedom of their country.
Following prayer by Rev. G. McLaren (Methodist), the memorial clock tower was unveiled, the acting mayoress (Mrs. Mackinlay) cutting the cord, after which the making over of the memorial to the borough council took place, the president of the local branch of the R.S.A. (Mr. J. A. Williams) stating he had pleasure in accepting the key on behalf of the trustees. As the council was the permanent governing body the key would be handed back to the mayor, the memorial being given into the safety and custody of the council. During the proceedings the hymns O God, Our Help in Ages Past and Lest We Forget were rendered, the choirs of various denominations joining in the singing. Benediction was pronounced by the vicar of Ringwood (Rev. E. E. Robinson).”
Inscriptions & markings
Written on backing of original, 'Opening of clock tower by Mayor W. Mackinlay, 4.8.1928'. Typed below black and white copy, 'Mayor Mackinlay dedicating Ringwood clocktower in original position at end of Warrandyte Rd. Maroondah Hwy on right. 1928.' The second black and white copy states the date as 1924, that is incorrect.