Physical description

Commemoration Tree and plaque in the grounds of North Ringwood Primary School in Oban Road. These coloured photographs are undated, however the playground equipment suggests circa 1990s. The plaque mounted at the base of the tree in 1965 reflects the wording of a sign attached to the tree when it was planted ten years earlier, in 1955. (See also Reg. no. 139 - "Commemoration Tree").

Inscriptions & markings

Writing on plaque reads, "Commemoration Tree. This tree was planted on Remembrance Day 11th November 1955 by Maj. Gen. L.E. Beavis, C.B, CBE, DSO in memory of all servicemen who took part in the wars of 1914-18 and 1939-45. Lest We Forget. Presented by Ringwood Sub-branch R.S.S.A.I.L.A. 11th November 1965"