Photocopied file of corresponence and documentation relating to a claim by L.J. Mills, Nurseryman, that adjoining property owner, J. Collins, Farmer, assists with replacement of a vermin proof wire netting dividing fence destroyed by 1939 bushfire. File includes 1939 and 1940 detailed property inspection reports by Vermin and Noxious Weeds Branch, Lands Department, Lilydale, describing land use in the area and signs of vermin activity. Application approved 18th April, 1940. Appeal lodged by Mr Collins disallowed in May, 1940. File closed June, 1940 with Departmental suggesion that Mr Mills consider further legal action through a Solicitor as fence had still not been wire-netted.
TRANSCRIPTS: Vermin & Noxious Weeds Inspection Reports
(To) Superintendent (Department of Lands and Survey, Melbourne)
Re L.J. Mills application for Vermin Proof Fence.
I called on Mr Mills yesterday 18th instant in connection with this matter.
Mr Mills has a flower farm and claims that rabbits and hares are damaging his flowers. He showed me a bed of carnations which he stated were being damaged by rabbits. There was evidence of some leaves being nipped off, but I am unable to say whether this is due to rabbits or grubs. Very little if any real damage is being done. The property is netted on the east and south boundary and on half the north and west boundary.
The surrounding country is undlating and fairly steep in places. The land to the east across Grandview Avenue (sic) is all planted out in old established orchards and well cultivated. Cleared grass land adjoins the south boundary and bush land adjoins the north and west boundaries.
I walked over a large area surrounding Mr Mills land and never saw any rabbits or hares or any indications of rabbits. This locality is not rabbit infested and very little wire netting is being used. I do not consider that a vermin proof fence is necessary between these allotments. - Jas H Allison (Inspector, Vermin and Noxious Weeds Branch, Lands Department, Lilydale)."
Follow up report following renewal of application for Certificate by Mr Mills, citing rabbits causing considerable damage to his flowers. He laid poison and obtained 9 carcases and stated that there is evidence of rabbit infestation from the adjoing land.
(To) Mr Hannah (Superintendant, Department of Lands and Survey, Melbourne)
Re L.J. Mills, Grandview Grove Ringwood, Lot 4 Grandview Estate Pt CG20 Ph of Warrandyte.
I interviewed Mr Mills at his home on 15th inst. He showed me carcases of rabbits which he stated had been poisoned on his land. In places young plants had been nipped off apparently by rabbits.
I made an inspection of adjoining properties and found one live burrow close to Mr Mills northern boundary. There were scratches and other evidence of rabbits on land north and west of Mr Mills property.
In view of the present evidence of rabbits I consider that a vermin proof fence is now necessary to protect the flowers grown by Mr Mills. His land is netted on whole of east and south boundary and half way on west and north boundary. The adjoining land on west and north boundaries is owned by Mrs Linda Collins and John Collins resp of Brysons Road East Ringwood. - Jas H Allison (Inspector, Vermin and Noxious Weeds Branch, Lands Department, Lilydale)."