black and white photograph, February 1971

Historical information

The 1971 flood was the the worst flood on record. At Jarrahmond it was at least 11 metres and up to one and a half kilometres wide on the flats causing enormous damage to the flood plain. Records say that "The brown floodwater stain in Bass Strait could be seen from passing airliners." Considerable damage was done to railway infrastructure, roads and farms. More information from the APRIL, 2008 newsletter by John Phillips. (see
The railway line was destroyed and was not expected to be opened for a fortnight. Orbost was cut off by 50 square miles of Snowy River floodwater. This train was being shunted across the viaduct when waters smashed through washing away several trucks sending the crew running for their lives.


This is pictorial evidence of a significant local event. It is connected to the history of the railway in East Gippsland.

Physical description

A large black / white photograph of flooded railway yards with a train engine stranded on a small section of track surrounded by water and debris.

Inscriptions & markings

on front - "1971 Flood, Railway Yards"

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