Historical information

This photograph shows George Temple's store which began operating C1888 opposite the post office in the main street of Orbost. The store stocked other stores at Bendoc supplying the gold fields. The men with their pack horses are on their way to the survey camp.
George Temple, born in Yorkshire on 26/2/1832 was one of the earliest Orbost storekeepers. Temple's Store was on the corner of Ruskin and Nicholson Streets opposite the post office. He packed stores to the Bendoc area goldfields. The store building eventually became part of Herbert's store when he died in 1917.


This item is associated with the very early history of Orbost. George and Mary Temple were early shopkeepers who operated a store opposite the Post Office for many years. Their daughters were very talented women.

Physical description

A faded black / white photograph of men with pack horses standing outside George Temple's store, The Orbost Equitable, in the main street. It is on a cream coloured buff card.