Midwives Action Group/Royal Australian Nursing Federation campaign badge, [1980s]

Historical information

Created and distributed by the Midwives Action Group, a Special Interest Group of the Royal Australian Nursing Federation (now the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation). The phrase on the badge, 'midwives make it a labour of love' is drawing attention to the inadequate working conditions and wages that the Royal Australian Nursing Federation was campaigning to improve.

The Royal Australian Nursing Federation (RANF) became the Australian Nursing Federation in 1989, suggesting that this badge is from the late 1980s.

Physical description

Circular blue and white plastic badge. Silver metal, plastic-coated, with safety pin fastener adhered to back.

Badge printed with 'MIDWIVES ACTION GROUP', 'MIDWIVES MAKE IT A LABOUR OF LOVE' and 'R.A.N.F. [Royal Australian Nursing Federation] Vic. [Victorian] Branch'.

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