Historical information

This document tells of the separation of Melbourne District Nursing Society and After Care Hospital.


The Melbourne District Nursing Society was founded in February 1885. It built the After-Care Home in 1926, and the Society became the 'Melbourne District Nursing Society and After-Care Home' until 1935 when the word 'Home' was replaced by the word 'Hospital'. In 1957 the two bodies separated, with one becoming the 'Melbourne District Nursing Service', and the other the 'After-Care Hospital'. This document from the Lieutenant-Governor of Victoria shows the 'Closure of the Melbourne District Nursing Society and After Care Hospital' which took affect with dissolution on the 1st of September 1958.

Physical description

Black and white document: 'Closure of the Melbourne District Nursing Society and After Care Hospital'
The document is bold black printing on a white background. It commences 'Hospital and Charities Act 1948 (No. 5300); follows are the names of those present being the Lieutenant Governor of Victoria and four other men. The body of the document contains twenty-four lines and finishes with ‘A. Mahlstedt Clerk of the Executive Council’.