Historical information

The photograph shows Mrs James Cameron cutting the ribbon at the opening of the Orbost Pile Bridge in 1922.
The first bridge was officially opened in August, 1893 (ref. S.R.M. 12.8.1893) by Mrs W. Watt, the mother of Councillor Watt, who presided over the opening of the 1922 bridge. This bridge was extensively damaged when a herd of cattle allegedly stampeded over it causing the cable to snap. Even after repairs it became obvious that a new bridge was needed.
This second bridge, was built by the Victorian Railways and the Country Roads Board. Constructed at a cost of 35,000 pounds and used second-hand girders from the Flinders Street- Spencer Street viaduct. On July 4 1922 it was officially opened by Mrs James Cameron. Unfortunately, her husband, who had long championed the building of the bridge so that it would be ready for the railway to continue to the border, was too ill to attend the ceremony. In fact, James Cameron died on July 13 after a long and severe illness (ref. S.R.M. 20.7.1922).
There is a section of this ribbon in the collection - Registration No. 366.


This item is a pictorial record of a significant event in Orbost's history.

Physical description

A black / white photograph of a lady standing up in a motor vehicle cutting a ceremonial ribbon