Historical information

This album came from the estate of Dorothy Ardlie of Warrnambool. It contains photographs of her childhood with her sister Agnes and other family members and later photographs in their adulthood. Dorothy Ardlie (1910-1993) was the daughter of Ethel and Arthur Ardlie, the granddaughter of the well-known Warrnambool lawyer, William Ardlie and his wife, Mary and the great granddaughter of John and Mary Ardlie, pioneer settlers in Warrnambool. Dorothy lived for some time at Aroona, 19 Princess Street in Warrnambool.


This album is of interest, firstly as a memento of Dorothy Ardlie, a member of a prominent 20th century Warrnambool family, and secondly as a good example of a photograph album showing the typical social history of an upper middle class family in the mid 20th century. The keeping of a photograph album was a hobby of many women in the 20th century.

Physical description

This is a hard cover photograph album of 39 pages. The cover is brown with coloured images of a bird, tree and leaves on the front cover. The album is bound with string. There are 133 black and white photographs pasted in. The album is slightly stained and some photographs are missing.

Inscriptions & markings

Album Made in Japan
This album belongs to Dorothy Alys Ardlie