Historical information

These albums record a sea cruise undertaken by Warrnambool residents, Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie, in 1935. (.1 album belonged to Agnes Ardlie and .2 item belonged to Dorothy Ardlie). The albums were complimentary items given to passengers on the P.& O. shipping company sea trip to Fiji. Dorothy Ardlie (1910-1993) and Agnes Ardlie (1915-1993) were the daughters of Arthur and Ethel Ardlie of Warrnambool, the granddaughters of the prominent Warrnambool lawyer, William Ardlie and his wife Mary and the great granddaughters of John and Mary Ardlie, pioneer settlers in Warrnambool. Dorothy Ardlie’s diary of this trip is included in her album.


These albums are of interest, firstly as souvenirs of Dorothy and Agnes Ardlie, members of a prominent family in Warrnambool in the 20th century and secondly as a record of an example of the type of sea cruise undertaken by the more affluent Australians in the 1930s.

Physical description

.1 This is a soft cover photograph album with a brown cover which is rather tattered around the edges. There are some autographs on the first two pages. The album contains 26 black and white photographs and sketches pasted on to the pages. There is also a pocket on the back page with several loose photographs and souvenirs of a sea trip.
.2 This is a soft cover photograph album identical to .1 above, except that this one is not so tattered. It has 68 items, including black and white photographs which have been inserted using photograph corners pasted in and souvenirs from a sea trip. In a pocket on the back page there are several loose items, including souvenir menus and a diary.

Inscriptions & markings

With the Compliments of the Chairman and Managing Directors of the P. & O. S. N. Co.
