Letter Book, 1950s

Historical information

This letter book contains the correspondence from the legal firm of William Ardlie in Warrnambool to other legal firms in Melbourne and other parts of Victoria (1951-1957). The correspondence deals mainly with legal matters concerning property transfers, wills, probates and court cases. William Ardlie (1943-1933) was the son of John and Mary Ardlie, pioneer settlers in Warrnambool. In 1865 William Ardlie established his legal practice in Warrnambool, initially in partnership with George Barber. William Ardlie, prominent in community affairs in Warrnambool, practised as a lawyer until the early 1930s and the firm continued on after his death with members of the Ardlie family involved in legal firms in the Warrnambool district until the early 21st century.


This letter book is of historical interest because of the letters dealing with the property, wills etc of many residents of Warrnambool and district during the 1950s. It will be a useful research tool.

Physical description

This letter book of 393 pages has a buff-coloured cover which is somewhat stained. 227 pages contain copies of letters written over a period of seven years and the rest of the pages are blank. The pages are of a lightweight strength. At the front of the book is an alphabetical index with black printed letters on tabs cut out of the outer edges of the pages.

Inscriptions & markings

Agents 1951

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