Historical information

Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Meisser is visiting Mrs. Lata to attend to the nursing care she requires in her home. She is greeting Mrs. Lata on her veranda and is observing her interaction with her dog. Sr. Meisser is wearing her RDNS uniform of a grey cotton short sleeve frock with a small white arched material logo with 'Royal District Nursing Service' in blue capital letters emblazoned on it, attached to the upper sleeve. She is wearing her grey peaked hat. This had a metal RDNS logo attached to the centre front. Sister Meisser worked from the RDNS Moorabbin centre.


From its earliest years when the Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) began to wear uniforms, the chosen colour was grey, though the style changed throughout the years as fashions changed from the late 1800s through to the 1970s. Their Trained nurses (Nurses) firstly wore long grey frocks and a white cap with a long white tail hanging from the centre back. When bicycles were introduced the headgear changed to a white pith helmet adorned with a red Maltese cross in the centre front. This was held on with a veil going over the hat and tied under the chin. Over the years there were complaints that the veils became wet in the rain and they asked for a change of uniform, but this did not happen until 1921. Later the Nurses complained their skirts became wet when riding their bicycles in the rain and asked, when raining, to be able to wear breeches and gaiters. This was granted provided they wore aprons when attending patients. It was not long before the uniform changed to a shorter length grey frock, red cardigan, grey coat and grey brimmed hat; later changed to a peaked grey hat. This uniform was used when MDNS was granted Royal patronage in 1966 and worn until 1971 when the uniform changed to a blue V necked frock over a short sleeve white blouse in summer and a blue/grey skivvie under a blue/grey herringbone V neck tunic style frock made of winter material in the cooler weather.

Physical description

Black and white photograph of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Meisser, of Moorabbin Centre. She is standing on the left of the photograph; has short dark hair and is wearing her grey uniform with peaked hat and black shoes, and is holding her rectangular nursing case. She is standing on the veranda of Mrs. Lata's brick home, and is smiling as she observes, to her right, Mrs. Lata, who has grey curly hair and is wearing a light coloured floral frock. Mrs. Lata is sitting in her wheelchair and with her left hand is patting her pale coloured Labrador dog who has a dark collar and is sitting to her right. Mrs. Lata is in front of her security door which has a white door frame. The house has a white lantern shaped light attached to the wall on the left hand side of the photograph

Inscriptions & markings

Photographer's stamp and the word 'Publicity'