Audio - Audio Recording, Audio Recording; 2018-05-08 Eltham Community Action Group AGM and Guest Speakers Chad Griffiths and Andrew Lemon, 8 May 2019

Historical information

Guest speaker Chad Griffiths (at 0:18:30), a former planning manager with 17 years' experience at Nillumbik Shire Council discusses what can and cannot be done with the Eltham War Memorial and former Shire Office sites.

Guest speaker Andrew Lemon, Historian, former President of the Royal Historical Society of Victoria and a former board member of Heritage Victoria (0:46:45), discusses the unique aspects of the Eltham War Memorial site and the current submission to Heritage Victoria and process for heritage listing protection.

Note: Andrew Lemon's presentation was interrupted between 1:05:00 to 1:06:10 and again at 1:08:00 to 1:11:40 due to a medical emergency involving a member of the audience.

Physical description

1:44:33 duration
Digital MP3 File 36.8 MB

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