Historical information

This is a photograph of the home of Hamilton Reed who was an early settler at Goongerah. In 1868 Hamilton Reed and John Locke both of Bendoc secured a grazing area of 60,000 acres at Goongerah. About the year 1878 Hamilton Reed and C. W. Nicholson decided to, if possible, to go from Bendoc to Orbost via Goongerah, they accomplished the task in 4 days from Goongerah. (more info. Newsletter September 2004)
Councillor Hamilton Rutherford Reed represented North Riding 1918 - 1936.


This item is associated with Hamilton Reed an early settler of Goongerah who was a long -time member of Orbost Shire Council.

Physical description

A black / white photograph of a settler's wooden home surrounded by a garden. The house is made of upright slabs for the walls and has a stringy bark roof.