Photograph of group of men, probably Shire of Bet Bet Council, circa 1920s, circa 1920s

Historical information

Murray Comrie Collection.
This photograph taken after the amalgamation with the Borough of Tarnagulla Council in 1915.
Middle row, fourth from left is Walter (Wattie) Corrie, the Tarnagulla Baker, fourth from left is James Duggan, Tarnagulla Agent.

Shire of Bet Bet Proclaimed Sept 20, 1864
Re-defined Feb 10, 1891
Tarnagulla Borough united Oct 1915
Dunolly Borough united Nov 1, 1921
Re subdivision from 5 to 3 ridings Oct 1952

Physical description

Monochrome photograph of a group of men assembled in rows for a photograph. No caption or explanation accompanies photograph. Probably depicts members of the Shire of Bet Bet Council in the 1920s. Location and names unknown.
Walter Martin is sitting in the middle of the middle row. He was the Tarnagulla baker at the time of the photo.
To the right of him in the photo is James Duggan, Tarnagulla dealer and agent.

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