Historical information

Appointed to both the Mission to Seamen and the Chinese Church Mission in Little Bourke St Rev'd Wong and his family commenced his appointment at the Mission in 1963. A former head of the 1500 student Kei yen school , Hong Kong he was accompanied by his wife and two sons Timothy and John. Ordained a Deacon in 1953 he became a priest in 1955 and was inducted on arrival in Melbourne by Bishop Sambell. The family arrived on the cargo -liner "Tjiluwah".


Rev'd Stephen Wong was the first Asian Port Chaplain appointed and worked at the Mission part-time form 1963-1968. He played an important role in raising awareness among asian seamen and was perhaps the inspiration behind the first Mission brochures to be printed in Chinese characters.

Physical description

Undated / unsourced news clipping featuring head shot photograph of Rev'd Stephen Wong and description of new role at the Mission and was minister of the Chinese church in little Bourke St.