Historical information

The, horse drawn metal scoop ,guided by a man, was used to clear earth for road making. Well before the introduction of motorised, mechanical graders and trucks the painstaking, labour-intensive work was undertaken by large teams of sturdy men using strong horses such as the draught horse. Roads were needed by the market gardeners to transport their produce to market. Later as the heavy wagon loads continually caused ruts and general degradation of the roadways a Plateway system was installed so that the wagon wheels could roll along the rails thus protecting the roadways.

August 31st 2021 Ron Nash, from WA, informs us "The men and horses pulling earth scoops in the photo are not moving earth for road making - they are excavating an "earth tank", or dam, as described in common nomenclature today.

This skill was known as "tank sinking", and tank sinkers were active in many rural and remote areas in the 1800's and early 1900's, establishing sizeable dams for important water reserves for community and farm and railway use.

With the advent of mechanised equipment such as bulldozers, the trade of tank sinking was still carried out, but on a faster basis. I am a former tank sinker and earth moving contractor, now long retired."


Early settlers in Moorabbin Shire had to build the roads, plateways, drains, as the settlement of the land, in Dendy's Special Survey 1841 Brighton, spread and market gardeners need to transport their produce to market. Their most valuable possession was the draught horse that was used for ploughing, drawing carts and these scoops.

Physical description

Black & White photograph showing many horses pulling metal scoops guided by men to move earth for road making in Moorabbin Shire c 1900

Inscriptions & markings

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