Historical information

Stephen Henty married Jane Pace in Fremantle April 1836; four sons and six daughters were the issue of the marriage. Mrs. Stephen Henty was born in Yorkshire on 14 April 1812, and she died in Hamilton on 02 February 1906. She was the first white woman to settle permanently in Western Victoria, arriving in Portland on 18 December 1836.

From a small booklet "Old Memories," written by Jane Henty on her 84th birthday.
'My husband and I arrived at Portland Bay in 1836, though he had made some trips there previously. It was on a Sunday night we landed by moonlight. I was carried on shore through the surf by a sailor. On reaching the homestead, a comfortable dwelling composed of four rooms, kitchen and dairy, a bright log fire was burning, table spread with a large pot loaf, piles of eggs and tea. Edward had not travelled inland, but my husband never rested until he had gone all through the interior, cut a track through 15 miles of forest land with two men and a dray, and arrived on the banks of the Wannon. He used to be absent for weeks at a time, causing me great anxiety. The natives were not to be trusted, so he usually took with him an expiree from Tasmania. Stephen Henty fixed all three of the first stations -Muntham, Merino Downs, and Sandford. In July 1837 Stephen sent some fine flocks of merino sheep to Muntham, having previously had a hut built for the men, and yards for the sheep; his two brothers, John and Frank, took charge of the sheep on the road.
"On August 3, 1837, my son Richmond was born the very day the sheep arrived at Muntham. Edward was in Tasmania at the time, and arrived three weeks after the birth of my son, with his brother James and his son... My husband and Edward were in partnership, Edward managing Muntham, and Stephen the mercantile part at Portland Bay. John managed Sandford and Frank Merino Downs... My husband was the first white man who stood on the border of the Blue Lake at Mt. Gambier. He said he would never forget the feeling of awe he felt on coming suddenly on the blue water in the wilderness.("The Portland Bay Settlement", by Noel Learmonth, 1934)

Physical description

Black and white image Mrs Stephen Henty.