Historical information

Arthur William Knight Tuck (1871-1942) took over from Veterinary Surgeon Desmond in Warrnambool in 1897 and was a prominent vet in Warrnambool for a great number of


These labels are of great interest as they show the variety of medicines used by veterinary surgeons in the early 20th century- Wound Powder, The Electuary Poison for sore throats, Liquid Blister, Colic Draught, Liquid Soap for dogs, Stimulating Embrocation for sprains, bruises etc.

Physical description

.1,.2,.3 Yellow and orange rectangular labels with black text and a decorative border paper. All are slightly damaged.
.4 Ochre coloured rectangular label with black text and a decorative border. It is damaged.
.5 White rectangular label with red text and a decorative border. It has horizontal lines on which to write. It is discoloured.
.6 White rectangular label with dark blue text and a plain border.
.7, White rectangular label with dark blue text and decorative border top and bottom.It is damaged.
.8 White rectangular label with black text and plain border.
.9 White rectangular label with red text and plain border.

Inscriptions & markings

.1,.2,.3 The ELECTUARY POISON FOR SORE THROATS, INFLUENZA, COUGHS, COLDS &C Directions- Two teaspoonfuls to be placed on the back of the tongue with a flat smooth piece of wood, three or four times a day A.W. Knight -Tuck , V,S., G.M. V.C., Market Buildings, Warrnambool Phone 119.
.4 Wound Powder For Drying Up and Healing Open Wounds and Foul Running Sores DIRECTIONS Dust a little of the Powder on twice a day.
.5 To...... FROM A.W. KNIGHT - TUCK.V.S.,G.M.V.C. Veterinary Surgeon, Telephone 119 MARKET BUILDINGS,WARRNAMBOOL Modern Print Warrnambool
.6 Liquid Blister FOR VETERINARY USE. POISON DIRECTIONS (Detailed in fine print) A.W. KNIGHT-TUCK ( as above for profession and location )
.7 . LIQUID SOAP FOR WASHING DOGS etc. (as above for profession and location)
.8 STIMULATING Embrocation FOR Sprains, Bruises, Sore Throat, Strangles, Rheumatism, &c .DIRECTIONS ( detailed in fine print) A. W KNIGHT - TUCK (as above for profession and location)
.9 Colic Draught FOR Colic or Gripes DIRECTIONS FOR USE ( detailed in fine print) A.W KNIGHT -TUCK (as above for profession and location)