Historical information

These labels come from the Brewery of Hodgens & Co. who operated the Warrnambool Brewery west of the corner of Timor and Banyan Streets This brewery was established by Edmund Wheeler as the Western Brewery in 1866. Daniel Hodgens the principal of Hodgens & Co. owned the Warrnambool Brewery from sometime in the 1890s until 1909. (Hodgens died in 1907.) Daniel Hodgens also owned the National Hotel and the Pieter Both Hotel and leased the Union, Princess Royal, Prince of Wales and the Bayview hotels in the late 1890s.


These labels are of considerable interest as they are artistically pleasing and are part of an important brewery business in Warrnambool in times past.

Physical description

.1 Oval grey and white label adhered to a piece of cream coloured card. It has a sketch of a lake and hills in the centre which resembles Tower Hill .This is surrounded by a wide border containing text. The label is discoloured
.2,.3 Dark cream paper rectangular labels with black and white text. There are decorations of berries and leaves in one corner. The primary texts are contained in two long arcs and a black rectangle. Both labels are torn. .2 has a section missing.
.4,.5 Rectangular labels with a curved top and extended side panels. It features,on a gold coloured background, the profile of Punch wearing a crown with a striped red and white stocking attachment. Punch has a long hooked red nose and is raising a flask towards his mouth. Above him in the curved top section are two diagonal red and dark green panels containing text. Underneath Punch are two rectangular wide, dark green and white panels containing text. The extended side panels are at right angles to the central section.There are two crosses on the top and bottom of .5 The section containing these and also a sections beside the side extensions have been removed from .4.

Inscriptions & markings

.2,.3 HODGENS & CO. WARRNAMBOOL BREWERY BRAVO ALE Refreshing, Invigorating and Contstiting (sic.) an Appetising Tonic while slightly Stimulating. Easy of Digestion HODGENS & CO PROPRIETORS WARRNAMBOOL
.4,.5 A CERTAIN CURE FOR INDIGESTION HOT STUFF USED WITH BEER SPIRITS AND AERATED WATERS A DELICIOUS DRINK . Bottled for the Manufacturers by Hodgens & Co. at their Spirits Stores.