Historical information

David Miller (Dave) Mair (1879-1938) married Lily Vipond Deakin (1890-1945) in 1910. They had 5 children: Geoffrey David (1913-1970), Beryl (1916-1976), Gwynneth (1917-1997), Isabel Lillian (1921-1997) and Shirley Inez (1928-1968).
Personal communication from Laurie Newton, Beryl's daughter: Dave and Beryl initially lived in East Melbourne after they married. Dave walked across the gardens to work at the MCG. He never drove or owned a car. Geoffrey, Beryl and Gwynneth were born in East Melbourne. They subsequently moved to Louise Avenue, Mont Albert and Isabel may have been born while they were there. Later they purchased 20 Barton Street, Mont Albert. Shirley was born after they moved to Barton Street.
Electoral roll details:
1922 24 Louise Avenue, Mont Albert
1924 20 Barton Street, Mont Albert
Dave Mair was a very keen sportsman.
This is part of a large donation of material from the Deakin, Mair and Young families.


The Deakin, Mair and Young families had many connections with Mont Albert and Surrey Hills.

Physical description

A sepia photo of a woman and 2 girls standing behind about 30 fowls. The woman is holding a dish. In the background is an Edwardian (?) timber house with 2 brick chimneys and a corrugated iron roof, the ridge of which has a narrow peak with simple finials and ridge tiles. There is a centrally positioned (?) rear door with windows either side. There is a tank to the left of the house and a veranda to the RHS. The house is enclosed within a post and wire fence with a wire gate in line with the door. The fence appears to be lined with large rocks and behind the fence is garden plants of which cannot be identified. A few cows are to the right off-side.

Inscriptions & markings

On the rear in black ink: "Feeding the fowls at / Derrinallum / Beryl Mair / 20 Barton Street / Surrey Hills / E10." Writing may be that of Lily Mair.
In blue biro: " Gwen Beryl Mrs Jarman / Beauty (Jersey cow)" Thought to be Beryl Mair's handwriting.
"KODAK PRINT" in black.