Photograph - Photograph, black and white, Barry Sutton, circa 1965

Historical information

Sister Short is writing down information being given by patient Sue Rowley who will be discharged from the Hospital. It will be phoned through to the appropriate RDNS Centre where it is recorded by the Clerical staff and passed to the RDNS Sister who will visit Sue on her discharge.


Liaison had occurred between Doctors and the Trained nurses of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885. This increased when Midwifery was introduced in 1893 with close liaising with the Women’s Hospital. As District nursing grew it was recognized that closer liaising between many Public Hospitals would be beneficial, for not only the MDNS, later called Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), nursing staff, but also for the patients and the hospitals. In August 1964 a Liaison Officer commenced at the Alfred Hospital. This soon increased to Liaison Officers working full time at several Public Hospitals. They facilitated the smooth transition from hospital to home for many patients who required ongoing nursing care. Liaison Sisters regularly attended discharge planning meetings, interviewed prospective clients, co-ordinated discharge and booked the first visit by the visiting RDNS staff. At the time of a patient’s discharge, the Liaison Sister forwarded information on their diagnosis and instructions regarding the care required at home to the appropriate RDNS Centre, and in turn the attending District Sister wrote a report of progress and any queries to the hospital doctor, via the Liaison Sister, at the time the patient was attending outpatients. Any new instructions were then sent back to the District Sister. Liaising also occurred between District Sisters in the field and Doctors when patients were referred by General Practitioners and did not attend a hospital.
A Physiotherapist worked under contract to teach transfer techniques to RDNS Sisters before RDNS employed there own Physiotherapist who taught staff the correct techniques, not only for safety of the patient, but to reduce physical strain on RDNS nursing staff and patient’s family members. The Physiotherapist made home visits with the attending RDNS Sister when required.

Physical description

Standing to the left of the black and white photograph is hospital Physiotherapist, Anne Radford, who has short dark hair and is wearing a white coat. She is side on and has her hands placed on the upper and lower right arm of Sue Rowley, who is sitting in a wheelchair. Sue has short dark hair and is wearing a neck brace and her left hand is holding a pulley rope. She is wearing a white top under a dark jacket and light coloured slacks. To her right is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Liaison Sister, Margaret Short who is facing Sue. She has her left hand extended supporting an open book and has a pen in her right hand which is poised on a page in the book. Sister Short is wearing her RDNS grey short sleeve uniform dress and grey peaked hat over her short dark hair. The RDNS insignia is seen on the top of her left sleeve. Behind the wheelchair are some wooden bars, two upright and two vertical, which are attached to a brick wall, the pulley rope is through a wheel attached to the right hand upright. The brick wall joins another which has part of a window visible. Behind the Sister and wheelchair are four shelves attached to this brick wall. Several round weights are on the shelves.

Inscriptions & markings

Photographer stamp.
Hand written information

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