Memorabilia, 2016

Historical information

Memorabilia used in 150th celebrations of Wesley College

Physical description

.1.2 Two Wesley School pennants, purple and gold, lion motif 1866-2016
.3 Length of Purple ribbon - gold printing 1866-2016
.4 Length of White ribbon - gold printing 1866-2016
.5 Sticker - purple and gold 1866-2016
.6 Name tab, plastic with cardboard insert, pin on, "Pat Cook" Table 1
.7 Calendar of events 1866-2016
.8 Invitation to Discovery Dinner held Saturday 14 May 2016
.9 Lion Magazine - Wesley College Community Magazine Edition 126 April 2016
.10 Publication "Framing the Future of Wesley - Wesley College Strategic Pland Framework 2017-2030

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