Historical information

RDNS Sister Marilyn Smith is visiting the little girl in her own home to apply sterilized dressings, as ordered by a Doctor, to the wounds on her body. Visiting the child at home provides her with a familiar environment to undergo the procedure.


The Trained nurses (Nurses) of the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS), from its inception in 1885, provided wound care to their patients who ranged in age from the very young to the elderly. The patients required their wounds to be dressed following various types of surgery, accidents, burns, cancer, leg ulcers etc. As research developed better products and dressing materials, the methods and medication applied to wounds changed. MDNS received Royal patronage in 1966 and as Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), the Education department developed wound care programs, such as the Leg Ulcer Management Program to provide their Trained nurses (Sisters) with methods of best quality care. They ran a program for Wound Care Specialists who made assessments and provided advice and support to the District Sisters working in the field as needed. The Sisters liaised with the patient’s Doctors and Hospitals to provide information on the progress of patient’s wounds and to receive any change of wound care from the Doctors.

Physical description

On the left of this black and white photograph is Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS), Sister Marilyn Smith, who has short dark hair and is wearing a white gown over her RDNS uniform kneeling on the floor as she dresses the wound of a young girl. Sister Smith is kneeling on a white covering which is placed over the patterned carpet in the lounge room. Only the back of her head can be seen; her left arm is extended and bent over the head of a seated small girl; she has a forcep in her hand. The young girl, who has shoulder length dark hair, is seated on the white covering and has her right hand on Sister Smith's right arm. She is watching as Sister Smith is removing a dressing from a wound on her left side. The child's left arm and hand are held above the dressing. A wound can also be seen on the girls left thigh. In the left rear, part of a patterned couch can be seen and part of a white curtain to its right. Behind the little girl, part of a brick fireplace and gas fire can be seen.

Inscriptions & markings

Photographer stamp. Quote No. DO 58