Historical information

This is a photograph of Alice Swallow's hotel at Cabbage Tree.
The settlement of Cabbage Tree Creek is located on the Princes Highway, 27 km east of Orbost in East Gippsland. The first white settler arrived in the valley in 1887 cutting a dray track from Marlo to the south-west. Several families cleared the alluvial flats, growing maize, peas and beans and raising pigs, cattle and sheep. Later the farmers milked cows, sending cream to Orbost. In the late 1890s, small quantities of alluvial gold were found in the creek.
A school commenced classes in 1913, but enrolment was small and at times the school operated part time with several other small schools in the area. The school building served as a hall for the district.
From the 1920s the Cabbage Tree Hotel catered to drivers on the improved Princes Highway. (info. from Victorian Places)


This is a pictorial record of Cabbage Tree, East Gippsland in the late 20th century. It shows a building that no longer exists.

Physical description

A black / white photograph of a small, single - storey wooden building in a bush setting. There are people standing in front of the building with a horse and wagon nearby. In the foreground is a wagon with four horses hitched to it and the driver seated behind the horses.