Historical information

A photo of Santa and Melbourne Legacy President Bill Braidie with children and gifts in one the residences (either Stanhope, Harelands or Blamey House - Kew) in 1974.
Photo came from a folder marked Residences.
Melbourne Legacy ran residences to take care of children whose deceased father had been a serviceman and the mother was unable to care for them herself or the child needed to be in city for education reasons. The first was Holmbush which started in 1942. Then Stanhope in 1945, these were for older children for education or vocational opportunities. There was a need for a toddler/younger child home so Blamey House was established in Beaumaris in 1947 for 3 to 9 year olds. Harelands was acquired in 1950. Then the property in Beaumaris was sold and the name Blamey House was transferred to Holmbush, at 1267 Burke Road Kew from 1956 to 1978.
For much of the time from late 1950s to 1970s Harelands accommodated boys and girls under the age of 14, Blamey House looked after boys over 14, and Stanhope looked after girls over 14. The children were cared for until they were old enough to become independent.
Stanhope was closed in the late 1970s and when Blamey House (formerly Holmbush) was closed the name was again transferred, this time to Harelands from 1978 to 1981 when it was the last residence to be sold.


A record of gifts for the children at the residences in 1974.

Physical description

Black and white photo of Junior Legatees with Santa and gifts at a residence in 1974.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten 'P7 Legacy' in blue pen and '1974' in black pen