Historical information

This match safe was amongst various items collected from a sea dive in Port Phillip Bay. The diver was the caretaker of the Port Lonsdale Lighthouse, who dived on various wrecks in the bay during the 1960's. After the caretaker's death, his son sold off many of the shipwreck artefacts. The match safe was purchased from the caretaker's son in the 1990's by a previous owner of the Marine Shop, Queenscliff, Victoria.

Pocket match safes or match safes were small portable boxes, or containers made in a great variety of forms and shapes, each with lids or covers to contain matches and retain their quality. Matches came into use around the 1830's and were produced extensively between the years 1890 and 1920. During this period everyone carried strike anywhere matches, so they could ignite stoves, lanterns and other devices. Early matches were unreliable and prone to ignite from rubbing on one another or spontaneously. Accordingly, most people carried a match safe to house their matches.

Wealthy people had ‘match safes made of gold or silver, while common folk had ones made of tin or brass. They were made throughout the world including the United Kingdom, in the U.S.A., continental Europe and Australia. Significant English makers of cases were, Sampson Mordan and Asprey & Co. Significant American manufacturers of match safes include Wm. B. Kerr, Gorham, Unger Brothers,  Battin,  Blackington ,  Whiting, George Scheibler and Shreve & Co. Different patterns and types run into thousands as well as plain and decorative examples.

They were also made in a wide range of materials, including pressed brass, pressed tin, gunmetal, nickel silver, gold, bone, ivory, the wood of varying types, early plastics like tortoiseshell and Bakelite, and ceramics. A distinguishing characteristic of match safes is that they have a ribbed surface, usually on the bottom, for lighting the matches.


The item gives a snapshot into the social development through it's application in every day use match safes were used at a time when there were no safety matches and the early use of matches was a dangerous affair given they were easily combustive if rubbed together in a pocket for example.
The item is also an example of the shipwreck artefacts gathered along the southwest coast of Victoria.

Physical description

Match Safe; hollow brass cylinder with ribbed match striker texture on base and screw thread around top. Fitted brass lid has an internal screw thread, and the top's flat surface has concentric circles design, with a twisted rope pattern grip around the edge.