Historical information

This ship model of the Cutty Sark was hand-built in the 1980s from a model kit produced by Billings, Denmark. It was on display in the Olde Maritime Motor Inn in Warrnambool until it was refurbished around 2015.

The Cutty Sark was a famous clipper ship, launched in 1869 for the tea trade from China to London. The ship was designed for speed, with the ambition to be the fastest ship. In the late 1800s, it competed in the tea clipper races. It was eventually sold to a Portuguese company, Ferreria, and took on the company's name. It was sold again and renamed Maria do Amparo. Finally, the ship's name was returned to the original 'Cutty Sark' when it was purchased by Captain Dowman for use as a cadet training ship. The ship continued trading and in 1922 it became the last operating clipper ship in the world. The ship is now a museum, preserved in a dry dock at Greenwich, England, as part of the British National Historic Fleet.

About Barry Williams: - The maker, Barry Williams, worked for the Australian Shipping Line, Huddart Packard Ltd., until it closed down in 1960. Williams then worked for Shaw Savill & Albion Co. Ltd., a substantial British passenger and liner company. and subsequently Furness Withy Ltd. (SS&A's parent company). In the late 1970s Williams and two friends established their own ship chartering company in Melbourne, the Harwood Shipping Co.

During the early 1970s Williams and his wife lived in London, near Greenwich, and often walked along the river where the Cutty Sark Maritime Museum is located. The fascination of the Cutty Sark led Williams to build model ships of the same era. At one stage Williams lost the rigging plan for the Cutty Sark but one of his partners, on a visit to London, photographed the Cutty Sark on the river, and Williams used these to complete the rigging on the model. Williams found the making of the model a very demanding but also pleasurable exercise.


The model is significant for showing a visual representation of one of the most famous tea clippers, the vessel Cutty Sark. The three-masted ship was built for speed and traded tea between England and China. In 1922 the Cutty Sark became the last operating tea clipper in the world.
The craft of ship model building has been popular for centuries, especially with people associated with the sea, such as this model builder, whose career was based around the shipping industry.

Physical description

Ship model; clipper ship, the 'Cutty Sark', a three-masted clipper ship, bare rigging, netting below the bowspit, and fine chains hanging from the bowspit. Black hull with two parallel horizontal stripes below the rail. Lifeboats on board. The white figurehead is below the bowsprit. The model comes with a cradle stand. The ship's name is not visible on the model.