Historical information

Old Tick was the neighbour of Gus, Bess and Jack Gervasoni in Stanley St, Daylesford. As a toddler Jack Gervasoni would sit on his knee for hours watching his pocket watch - leading to the name 'Tick', and later 'Old Tick'. Annie Wheldon was Tick's daughter and gave many items currently on display at the Daylesford Museum.

Physical description

Black and white photograp of the photograph on the occassion of Gus Gervasoni being shipped out for compulsory service during World War two. He is the one in uniform, with furrowed brow.

Left to right: Gus Gervasoni, his father George Gervasoni, ? , (Possibly Old Tick [Wheldon].

Front row left to right: Kevin or Roger Lock, Jack Gervasoni (son of Gus), Ken Lock.