Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS, 1950 - 1956

Historical information

All photos relate to the collection of Francis William (Dinky) DEAN BEM, VX93960 2nd AIF, 3742 1 RAR, 1943 - 1975.
Refer Cat No 124.2 for his service history.
The photos are believed to be taken during 1 RAR’s 2nd tour of Korea 1954 - 56.
BCFK (British Commonwealth Foce Korea)

Physical description

All photos are B & W.
(.1) Two soldiers beside a sign holding a bottle of beer.
(.2) Shows a hand painted sign on a timber boards.
(.3) Same sign on a single board.
(.4) An Australian and Korean soldier laying barb wire.
(.5) two soldiers in winter clothes holding a box of rations.
(.6) Large parade of Australian soldiers with a camp and buildings in the back ground.
(.7) Group of men lining up receiving rations.
(.8) Three soldiers sitting each with a tin of Golden Circle fruit or juice.
(.9) Group of Officers lined up behind sand bags.
(.10) Group of soldiers lined up on the ground with explosions in front of them.
(.11) Australian soldier in a trench with radio equipment gear on.
(.12) Five Australian soldiers on a road with a Jeep in the rear.
(.13) Five soldiers silhouetted against a bush back ground.
(.14) Australian soldiers in open ground firing mortars.
(.15) Nine soldiers in the back of a truck, Frank Dean on the left in front.
(.16) two soldiers, one being supported by the other.
(.17) Three soldiers, one in white apron cutting up bread.
(.18) Soldier in a trench wearing a steel helmet.

Inscriptions & markings

All photos have on the rear stamped in purple;
“Photo No, please credit to Public relations HQ BCFK”

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