Historical information

This grappling hook is constructed from two U-shaped lengths of steel pipe, each pinched together in the centre of its arm then the ends spread apart and formed into points. The two pieces are joined with a length of heavy chain, with the end links closed to make the chain into a circle. the hook is usually attached to a rope, chain or pole of suitable length for the job undertaken. Another name for a grappling hook is a grapnel hook.

Grappling hooks come in many shapes and sizes and have numerous uses. Some are carried on board vessels and used for pulling things on board or out of the sea, rescuing people from the sea, pulling other vessels closer and moving cargo. They may be used for dredging the seabed for submerged objects. A grapnel anchor can be used to moor or stabilise a vessel. The hook can be thrown out to catch on something, such as a clifftop, and then used for climbing. A form of a grappling hook, a grapnel, can be used for military purposes and is fired from a purpose-built gun or launcher.


This grappling hook is an example of equipment used onboard a vessel for safety and functional purposes. Grappling hooks have been used through the centuries and their design has remained basically the same.

Physical description

Grappling hook with four pointed arms. The hook comprises two double-pronged grappling hooks on a chain joined to form a circle. Hooks are made from strong steel.