Historical information

Fragment cut from the minutes of the Board meeting on 20/11/74, headed 'Blamey House Re-development', which recorded the presentation by Legatees Berg and Quayle to the Board for the redevelopment of Blamey House. The Board discussed the financial implications and resolved:
(i) Residences sub-committee were asked to make a firm recommendation regarding the widows and residence children,
(ii) Widows' Accommodation sub committee were asked to complete their study of providing accommodation for widows,
(iii) Steering Committee-Accommodation for Widows was asked to look at the need for widows' accommodation, and
(iv) Planning Committee was asked to coordinate the reports of the above sub-committees for presentation to the Board.
In a file with documents pertaining to the residences.


Gives an insight into the work involved in administering the residences.

Physical description

1 photocopy, black on white. Three holes punched for filing.

Inscriptions & markings

Handwritten: 'o/.' and 'BOARD MEETING 20/11/74' top of page.