Historical information

Basket weaving and brush making was a source of income for those who worked in the workshops at RVIB and other institutions in New South Wales and Queensland. A diverse range products could be produced with cane, such as cane chairs, cots, washing baskets and trolleys, and the Institution sought to highlight these in the annual report. Over time the demand for, and supply of, cane changed - particularly during World War 2 when Asian sources were under attack or destroyed. At home, other materials such as plastics as well as the ability to import cheaper pre-produced products further reduced the demand for workshop pieces.
This laundry basket was reinforced with a solid heavy base that gave it both strength and the ability to remain upright as clothing items were placed inside.
This cane laundry basket made in the basket shop of RVIB for use in the organisation possibly between 1930-1940, not for sale. Held with staff in the Enterprises section since the move to 201 High Street in the early 1990s.

Physical description

1 cane basket with lid