WW1 Medal for Women relatives of serving soldiers, c1914 - 1918

Historical information

Female Relative Badges were issued to the nearest female relative (usually wives or mothers) of those who engaged in active service overseas during the First and Second World Wars. Two Female Relative Badges were issued during the First World War. One was issued to the nearest female relative of soldiers, airmen, nurses, and masseuses who left Australia for active service abroad; the other to the nearest female relative of members of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) who had enlisted for general naval sea service for at least a period of the war, and who performed service outside Australian waters. A bar was suspended below the badge to indicate additional relatives involved in the war effort. The Female Relatives Badge was promulgated under Military Order 280 of 1917 and superseded by Military Order 1818 of 1918. (Australian War Memorial )


So many Moorabbin Shire young men volunteered to serve in 1st AIF during WW1 . This caused great hardship for farming families especially due to the heavy manual labour that the Women had to undertake to maintain food production for Australia and overseas .
This medal may be associated with Alonzo Sheldrake Box who served at Gallipoli and France

Physical description

Circular Silver medal with Crown , Blue engraving and pin clasp on back . A silver bar is attached

Inscriptions & markings

Around edge ; Issued by Dept. of Defence to Women of Australia
Centre cut out : A I F
On Bar : For Duty Done
On Back : Stokes & Sons 57691

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