Photograph, Undated c.1900

Historical information

The Wesleyan Church, Denham Street in Lower Hawthorn, as the area was then called, was opened on 2 May 1886. The building was designed by Geelong architect William Henry Cleverdon and was built of brick in the Gothic style. Its dimensions were 55 x 33 ft and the façade incorporated a rose window and spire 50 ft high. A wooden vestry was placed to the rear. The building and the organ were seriously damaged by fire on 1 April 1970, started by a painter's blowtorch. The church was not rebuilt.

Physical description

B & W photograph of the interior of the Denham St. Methodist Church Hall, Hawthorn. The photograph is taken from the seating area towards the stage, which is furnished with an organ, an upright piano, a table and chairs.

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