Historical information


Physical description

A sandstone plinth with tablet commemorating the Eureka Stockade Rebellion of December 3, 1854 including the names of diggers and soldiers whom fought and fell in battle, surrounded by a bluestone border. Set on a larger platform surrounded by four cannons and bluestone edge. Set in parkland with entry gateway at Eureka Street, Ballarat.

Inscriptions & markings

Eureka Stockade Sunday Morning December 3rd 1854. This tablet was created by the Eureka Improvement Committee 1923. To honour the memory of the Heroic Pioneers who fought and fell, on this Sacred spot, in the cause of liberty. And the Soldiers who fell at Duty's call.
Diggers: W. Emmerman, J. Diamond, T. O'Neill, J. Donaghey, W. Clifton, E. Quin, W. Quinlan, J. Hafele, J. Crowe, T. Moore, J. Brown, Lieut. Ross, J. Robertson, Fenton, E. McGlyn, J. Haynes, P. Gittins, T. Mullins, S. Green, R. Julien, E. Thonen, J. Hassle.
Soldiers: Capt. H.C. Wise, Ptes. W. Webb, M. Roney, J. Wall, F. Boyle, J. Hall.

