Historical information

The Dunstan Memorial is a minimal form of rough-cut bluestone and sheet granite in memory of Ballarat born soldier, William Dunstan, who served with honour in Gallipoli, WWI. His unit successfully defended a post despite being seriously wounded. He and one mate were the only survivors of the 10 men defending the trench and all were awarded the Victoria Cross. Following the war Dunstan worked as manager and director of the Herald and Weekly Times.


The memorial is of historical significance to the people Ballarat

Physical description

This is a minimal form of rough-cut bluestone and sheet granite in memory of Ballarat born soldier who served with honor in Gallipoli. His unit successfully defended a post despite being seriously wounded. He and one mate were the only survivors of the 10 men defending the trench and all were awarded the Victoria Cross.

Inscriptions & markings

In honour of William Dunstan, VC 1895-1957.
William Dunstan was born in Ballarat East and educated at Golden Point State School. Shortly after the outbreak of the First World War, 19 year old Dunstan enlisted in the 7th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 1st Division of the Australian Imperial Forces. Within 3 weeks he was posted to Gallipoli and was immediately embroiled in the Battle of Lone Pine. Early on the morning of 9th August, 1915, Dunstan and 10 other men were defending a trench captured from the Turks. The enemy launched repeated counter attacks and suffered heavy casualties. Only 3 surviving Australians remained and were rebuilding the blown-up barricade of sandbags when the Turks launched a final vicious assault to regain the trench. Struggling to defend their position, the three Australians resorted to catching the Turkish hand bombs and throwing them back at the enemy or smothering those that landed with Turkish great-coats. Hand bombs killed a 10th defender and wounded both Dunstan and his only remaining companion. Again the Turks were driven back and this time the two wounded Australians were left alone until later relieved and hospitalised. As a result of the intensity of the fighting and the tenacity of the 3 defenders, each was awarded Victoria Crosses for their most conspicuous bravery. Following the war, Dunstan enjoyed a successful career to become the Managing Director of the Herald and Weekly Times. He died in Melbourne aged 62 and is remembered with respect by the citizens of Ballarat.