Historical information

This postcard was sent to Annie Gilbert (Mrs John Gilbert) of Tullagoota, Orbost. It was written by "Grace", probably her sister, Grace Cameron
Annie Gilbert was the daughter of John Cameron who selected the first land on the Snowy River flats.
This is a photograph of the original Orbost / Snowy River Bridge , a suspension bridge which opened in 1893. It has been taken when the Snowy River was in flood. It is similar to other photographs held in The State Library, Victoria.
The Snowy River Mail and Tambo and Croajingolong Gazette Sat 12 Aug 1893 records the opening of this bridge as "the most important public event that
has yet been commemorated in Eastern ......The Messrs McLeod, with whom the first settlement of this district is generally associated, took up their residence on the eastern bank of the Snowy River about the year 1841 or 42. The late Mr W. Roadknight and Mr T. T. Stirling took possession of the territory on the western side of the
Snowy about 35 years ago. During the occupation of the country by cattle owners, very little progress was made in the way of roads and bridges, and except to the hardy and lexperienced bushman, it might have been generally regarded as inaccessible. About the year 1877, however, the late Mr James Robertson eldest son of Mr James Robertson, of Lochend farm, selected land now occupied by his father, about four miles from Orbost on the west bank of the river, Mr John Cameron visited the. district shortly after a .tour of inspection and returned later with his brothers, James and Alick Gameron, but found that during their absence Mr Ernest Watt had found his
way on the scene and pegged out a selection, thus anticipating the advent of the Camerons by about 12 hours. We understand that a Mr Kidd, who selected the property now occupied by Mr W. J. Ross, at Pumpkin Point, was one of the earliest batch of settlers.........."


This item is associated with Annie Gilbert (nee Cameron) reported to have been the first white girl to be born in Orbost.
It is a pictorial record of the suspension bridge over the Snowy River which has since been replaced twice.

Physical description

A faded black / white postcard of a bridge across a river. There are cattle in the river and the banks are tree-covered.

Inscriptions & markings

on back - a hand-written letter addressed to Mrs J. Gilbert Tullagoota Orbost.