Historical information

A nylon wool mixture sleeveless singlet with drawstring at neck that was possibly worn by George Reed when a patient at Heatherton Sanitarium c1950
"1909 'Consumption' or Tuberculosis was an infectious, debilitating disease. The main treatment of this ailment was a long period of rest, fresh air, sunshine and good food, so what better place to build a ‘Sanatorium’ than in the rural area they called Heatherton and affiliate it with the Melbourne Benevolent Asylum. After World War II c1947, the Commonwealth Government Health Department took over the Heatherton Hospital to deal with tuberculosis when it became a major problem in Australia. This was during the time when the Government conducted X-Ray surveys on a state by state basis. It was compulsory at that time for everyone to have a chest X-Ray. " ( KCC History Website 2020 , A.Bennett)


Heatherton Sanitarium, situated in the City of Moorabbin, was the main rehabilitation hospital in Melbourne for patients suffering from 'Consumption' or Tuberculosis in 1909-1978

Physical description

A wool / nylon mixture sleeveless Singlet with drawstring at neck that was used by George Reed at Heatherton Sanitarium c1950,

Inscriptions & markings

Back neck ; ( ? Ward bed) 108B